Let's play Hangman

on Sunday, April 26, 2009

When I teach my students for long time and they start to get bored, I offered them to play a game. One of the games I often play with is "Hangman". This is a word guessing game and very good for students, first, to avoid their boredom during studying and, second, to test their vocabulary mastery. This game could be done in a group but it will be more challenging to play individually. This word game does not need special media, what you need is only chalk or marker and a board.
This is the rule of the game:
First : Draw a picture of a pole with a rope.

Second: Write the alphabet from A-Z under the pole.

Third : Write some words on a piece of paper and fold it. The words can be food, colour and so on. Put the paper in a bottle and ask your students to take the paper. This means that the student himself choose the word he is going to guess. Take the paper from the studens. Don't let him open it.
Fourth: Make underscores as many as the alphabets of the words. For example the word 'rabbit' have six alphabets.

Fifth : Ask your student to guess the word (e.g:rabbit) by saying the alphabet, not guess whole word directly. Whenever he says one of the word you have (e.g rabbit) for instance 'a', you write the alphabet 'a' in the correct order of the word.

But, if he say the alphabet is not one of the alphabets in the word you have (a.g rabbit), for example he says 'c'. Cross the false alphabet and draw a head under the pole.

Fifth: The game ends when the student is hung because of failing in guessing word or he succeeds guessing the whole word.


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